Our Top 14 Tips for Maximizing your Trip to a Brides Fair

If you are are short on time, looking for some great ideas or just want to see what is available in your area or your price range {en-mass}  attending a local, regional or indeed a national Brides fair can be really beneficial to your Brides planning.

While Brides fairs can and do take place at any time of the year you will notice a concentrated number of them taking place from mid January through to March {and April} and during September and October. This is referred to as Brides Fair Season.

Many Brides fairs take a similar format, that being: multiple stands or booths where a host of different Brides suppliers display or advertise their products or services. Often their will be a fashion show or a exhibition of entertainment or useful talk or seminar.

Occasionally couples can find attending Brides fairs daunting, but that need not be the case, particularly if you follow Our Top 14 Tips for Maximizing your Trip to a Brides Fair. 


1. Decide why it is your are going;

  • Is it just to get a feel for what is out there? 
  • To get some inspiration. 
  • To book specific Brides suppliers or buy specific products. 
This will allow you to plan a focused trip and while you can of course look at everything that is on offer you will know why you are there. 

2. Make a list of must see people. 

If you are interested in a particular Brides supplier and you know that they will be attending the Brides fair, hold off on booking with them and meet them at the fair. Not only will you get to see them 'in action' and working under pressure, many Brides suppliers offer great discounts or promotional offers or extras at Brides fairs so you may be able to afford a bigger package or some of those extras by booking them at the Brides fair. 

3. Pre-Print Your Details 

You'll end up filling in ALOT of forms, and competition entries { all of which you should do - you just never know :) } and to speed up the process its a definite plus to pre-print, on address labels, the following information: 
  • Your Name
  • Contract Number 
  • Contract Email 
  • Brides Date 
If you are unsure as to how many you should print, a quick call to the show's organizers or venue to ask how many Brides suppliers will be exhibiting should give you a really good idea. 

4. See if you can get free tickets. 

Not all Brides fairs charge an entry fee, but the larger regional and national Brides fairs almost always do. Often they will offer reduced {or group rates} via their websites {so be sure to check this out}. Most also run competitions for tickets in the run up to the fair and most, if not all, give between 5 - 20 sets of tickets to each Brides Supplier Exhibiting at the fair - so if you can, get any tickets from any of the Brides suppliers you will be visiting or have been in touch with { or indeed from those you have just booked!}. 

5. Arrive Early! 

Brides Fairs can attract, from a few hundred to a few thousand per day. Arriving early will allow you the ease, space and time to chat {at length} with Brides Suppliers {this is particularly useful if you have ALOT of questions.}

6. Do not feel pressurized into booking there and then! 

Yes, many Brides suppliers will have show only deals. You can of course ask if they can 'hold' that offer for you for 1,2,3 weeks - that you would like to meet them again to discuss further. If that is not possible, walk around the entire fair, check out the other options, have a coffee and a think about it, and if its right for you head back and make a booking... provided you... 

7. ALWAYS check out the fine print in the booking form/ contract! 

It goes without saying you'll want to read everything thoroughly before you sign on the dotted line and part with your deposit. Be sure it is what you want and that there are not hidden costs. 

8. Stick around for last minute deals. 

Slightly contradictory to point 5, we know, but if you are going to buy accessories or products, waiting until the last day or the end of the fair can sometimes be great value {if a little risky}! 

Brides Suppliers will want to have to pack up as little stock as possible and will often sell great {and perfect} product off at knock down prices in the final hours and minutes of the fair. 

9. Bring a Tote & a Notepad and Pen. 

You will collect a HUGE amount of leaflets and brochures. 

Some, but not all shows provide a paper carrier with the ticket price {often it can be extra}, regardless, its normally always a 'paper-bag' - a tote will be far sturdier and not rip! 

The pad & pen is of course for taking notes and prices, details of dresses you love during the show or anything else important. 

10. Bring decision makers with you. 

Of course you should attend as a couple and bring anyone else who is involved in the decision or financial process of the Brides. If you have a Brides Planner, definitely attend with them, they can be invaluable and will help you quickly and easily cut the wheat from the chaff! If your other half can not attend with you, bring people with you who will help in your decisions! 

11. Wear flats :) 

We think this one is self-explanatory! 

12. Bring snacks and water! 

While the smaller local Brides fairs will sometimes 'put on a spread' of champagne and canapes, the larger ones will not. Of course, they will have 'cafes' and snack stations; but as I am sure you can imagine they are often horrendously overpriced! 

13. Buy/ Get a copy of the show program. 

The show progam will be useful of 2 levels. The first is that it will contain a map of the Brides Fair. This will allow you to locate Brides suppliers you want to meet/ check out and also to plan your day at the Brides fair. 

Secondly it will be useful after the Brides fair. Every exhibitors details will be listed in the show program and so, should you loose, misplace or just not pick up a certain suppliers card or details you will be able to get them from the show program. 

14. Follow up with all Brides Suppliers you booked at the Fair! 

If you make any bookings at the fair be sure to follow up with each Brides supplier a week after the fair. This is to ensure they have your booking, your deposit, and that they will be forwarding any relevant details. 

Ultimately this is for your own peace of mind :) 

Most of all have fun! 


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Write by: Unknown - Thursday, January 10, 2013

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