A Wedding Agency Idea: "The Conscious Wedding"

In observance of the Holy Week, Rebellious Brides present a blog entry that we hope will inspire you to reflect on how we can all do our part to take care of Mother Earth. There's a lot of waste that goes on in weddings. If we can all just be a little bit more rebellious in changing some of our ways to manage waste, we don't only get to have a pretty wedding but also an inspiring and socially relevant one. We never proactively request from our readers to share our blog features. But we do hope this one gets shared as much as possible. Let's all do our part to Go Green. 

What exactly is an "organic-themed" wedding and what should it REALLY stand for? I am sorry to say this, but most themes named as such are what others would call "greenwashing" -- a term used for brands or people who use eco-friendly related words but do not actually genuinely imbibe it. And one thing's for sure my dears. Organic weddings do not equate to a 'Mason jars galore wedding'. It is so much more than that.

Inspired by H&M's remarkable advocacy on sustainable fashion called "Conscious", we'd like to give you some ideas on how to make your weddings more eco-friendly, TRULY organic, and sustainable.

I don't mean to sound preachy (yet I know I do). But caring for the environment and yourself are pressing issues in today's world. And sorry to be really, really harsh when I say this but in my own opinion, no one has the right to complain about the floods, the heat, the sicknesses, the viruses that we experience in today's world if you yourself have not actually done your part to better these situations. And doing your part need not be intimidating. You can simply do your part by starting with the brands you support, and changing some of your ways--including wedding preparations. 

More than ever, modern weddings of today should not just be for everyone to witness your union. Use this event to inspire others not just of your love but on sustainable lifestyle inspirations that guests & loved ones can apply in their own lives. 

Real-Life couples who inspire social change: Anna & Dylan Wilk of Human Nature and Hindy & Gippy Tantoco of Holy Carabao Holistic Farms
Don't be just one of those brides & grooms that others just swoon over and get teary-eyed because of your love story. Be the kind of couple that can also be the cause of social change.

What is the point of having such lavish wedding details? What? To show off in your photo and video that you can afford it? The following day, these things get thrown away. And it is but a memory for people to talk about. But if you actually take the time to use sustainable, eco-friendly efforts in your wedding, you will have imparted greater knowledge that can last a lifetime. 

Okay I'm done preaching. Let's move on to our "Conscious Wedding"  wedding idea


Give your entourage girls eco-friendly dresses to wear that are made of recycled materials or organic cotton

Every single year, the world produces tonnes (not a typo, I really mean tonnes) of garments because of consumerism. Garments that eventually get thrown away. Worse, there are garments that are produced in the most horrific ways you could possibly imagine. You want weddings that are elegant and beautiful. We get that. But time and time again, we always say that you need to be more practical with your entourage gowns. Can we all just stop being delusional that these gowns that you have made for your girls can still be used? It's plain wasteful. Instead, support brands that have eco-friendly collections such as H&M. Buy your entourage wedding outfits with a heart. 

Ditch the Louboutins and support H&M's cause by wearing their Conscious fabric sandals made of 100% organic cotton. Top the look off with their grosgrain necklace made from recycled materials
For the guys in your entourage
For the flower girls in your entourage
For the groom
I know what you might be thinking and what your parents might argue--these pieces are too casual for a wedding. Well let me ask you: Will your actual wedding ceremony, your actual union be affected by how elegant your entourage's gowns are? I'll leave it at that. 

 Don't have access to H&M? Support local brands instead! Eairth is a global Filipino brand that only uses organic and sustainable materials on their garments (however, let me tell you that they don't answer to queries and it's hard to know where this is available--a bit annoying and snooty if you ask me so if anyone knows anyone affiliated with Eairth I hope you can tell them to improve their customer service); work with designer Hindy Weber Tantoco & Rajo Laurel to create eco-friendly/recycled pieces for you; Or buy from Bench's ENVI eco-friendly line for staple pieces. 


 Our country lacks trees, and so does the rest of the world. We all know that and don't deny you don't. Is it worth it? To insist on having those pretty wedding invitations for the sake of our environment? And then when there are catastrophic floods, we fear for the end of the world? There are an estimate of 500,000 weddings on average in the Philippines. Assuming that 95% provide wedding invitations at 100 pieces each, that means we waste 47,500,000 pieces of paper for a one-pager invitation alone. What about for those who have more than one page? What about for the other things that get printed like menu cards, escort cards, etc? How many trees is that? I don't know but all I know is, just the thought of one tree getting cut down so that you can have your pretty invitation is quite sad. So go digital where possible. The Wedding Party App can consolidate a lot of things for you--from your invites, to your guests' photos of your wedding, to your guestbook. Not only is this more eco-friendly, it is so much more engaging and customizable! 

Plan a prenup shoot that can inspire your mind, body, and soul.
For your engagement shoot, do something that will truly move you. And not just you but your prenup team and even the guests when you show it at the reception. One place you can do your prenup in, is at Gawad Kalinga's Enchanted Farm. Immerse yourself and learn what you can about their amazing projects. Capture it on film and on photos so that you can impart it to everyone who sees it.


One of the things we included in our Fearless Forecast 2013 is the use of potted flowers. Just like paper, flowers are one of the most exploited resources used during weddings. And while the death of flowers is a natural process, finding ways to plant it back or to use it as a compost is a great way to make sure our entire ecosystem becomes healthier. So use potted flowers for the bouquets, the ceremony aisle, and reception tables. Then reuse it even further by giving it as tokens to your guests. Put handwritten notes (from scratch or recycled paper) and explain why you want to give these potted plants to your guests as your wedding token. Select flowers, plants, and even herbs for your wedding that are resilient and are sure to grow more even after your wedding. Flowers like forget-me-nots, herbs like basil, and plants like the fortune plant are just some of the plants that can last long.


Impart to your guests and loved ones the importance of Earth Hour by making one during your reception--the prefect time to do it is during the cocktails. Of course, be more practical by having your wedding in an actual farm or a breezy area such as The Mango Farm (Antipolo), The Holy Carabo Farm (Laguna), Sonya's Garden (Tagaytay), or Meteora (Tagaytay), to name a few. Have sparklers, soy-based candles, and an acoustic performance while you are enjoying the cocktails. 


If this blog post hasn't made you environment-conscious yet, then I hope that what I am about to tell you will finally talk some sense into you. Are you wondering why there's a lot of talk about water conservation efforts right now? Well brace yourselves for what I am about to tell you. Because according to eco-warrior Annie Guerrero, the Philippines will NOT HAVE ENOUGH DRINKING WATER FOR EVERYONE IN 2014. AS IN NEXT YEAR. Again, you can do your part and you can start with your wedding. Instead of providing ceramic plates that get washed after the reception, why not provide designed, recycled paper plates instead? Too cheap for you? Is it worth not having water to drink in the future? As for glass ware, conscious restaurants nowadays are now seeing the critical problem on water and are labeling the diners' initials on the glass--not allowing anyone to change glasses out of a whim anymore. Do the same for your wedding! Or why not serve the Bayani Brew Iced Tea, and have the guests label the biodegradable plastic bottle it comes in, so that they can reuse it during the reception. 


 The path to a "Conscious Wedding" starts with partnering with equally conscious enterprises/suppliers. One organization that can help you with that is the Moveable Feast Manila Group who mounts intimate farm-to-table events for intimate crowds, serving literally moving dishes with chefs like Chef Jenny Burns, host locations like Holy Carabao, and featuring oh-so-delectable meats & poultry from Down to Earth. And as you can see in the photos above, the Moveable Feast team can create an ambience, worthy of any beautiful wedding. Note though that this is only prefect for intimate weddings. If you need a team that can help with bigger events, you can inquire with Ivanna Aguiling of Briggy Hall, or Sonya's Garden.


 For your soon-to-be-wife-or-husband-gift:

 Ditch the pretentious Pradas, the Hermes, and the Rolex gifts please. How about making a symbolical adoption from WWF in replace of those couples gifts? For only P3,000 each you could buy either a Dolphin or a Panda stuffed toy, which symbolizes your support/donation for all projects of the WWF in preserving dolphins and other endangered species.

 For your principal sponsors and entourage:

 Buy local and organic products and provide handwritten, personal notes on why you chose these particular gifts for them so that they can fully understand where you care coming from. L-R: Give your ninongs a pack of Cafe de Sug's Sulo Coffee--one of the BEST coffees we have ever tasted. The labels at the back explain a whole lot of things about supporting Mindanao-based coffees; Give your ninangs Human Nature's Tough Love eco-friendly dishwashing liquid so that you can explain to them the harmful causes of ordinary dishwashing liquid soaps; For the males in your entourage, give them Human Nature's Pure Strength Black Diamond Soap--explaining how ordinary soap can cause a lot of illnesses; And finally for the girls in your entourage, give them any product from Human Nature's hair care line--because hair products are one of the most intoxicating in the market today. 


Find out which wedding artists have the same values and vision as you and work with them. In the future, if everyone knows that clients & consumers are very much conscious of their decisions, the whole industry--whether it's weddings, food, FMCGS (fast moving consumer goods) will have no choice but to fulfill the demand for a more conscious society.

Are these ideas a little too hardcore for you? The more important thing is to do a simple contribution. Do all or select ones that you know you can pursue. Baby steps come a long, long way. 

Did you have any eco-friendly ideas in your wedding? Share it with us and we'd love to feature!

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Rebellious Idea: Eco-Friendly Weddings

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Write by: Unknown - Thursday, March 21, 2013

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