Ten things that bride's forget about for their Brides

When all the plans have been made and the countdown is on to the big day there is no doubt that a few things will be forgotten about. Take note now so that when you are making your final arrangements you don't forget about the smaller details. If all this is dealt with before 'party mode' sets in and guests start flying in from other countries you will be all ready to go!!
Legal documents
Ensure that all your documents are filled in correctly and signed and in the hands of the correct person before your Brides day. This is probably one of the most important things to remember as you CANNOT get married without it!
Looking after your suppliers
Some suppliers who will be with you all day e.g. Brides planner or photographer will need to be fed and provided with refreshments throughout the day. Ensure that you inform your venue in advance that these people need food, inform them of what they are to be served also.
Quite a few suppliers will need to be paid on the day of the Brides. This is something that neither the bride or groom should have to deal with on the day. Put the correct amounts of cash/cheques into envelopes prior to the Brides with their  names on the front and give them to your 'appointed person'.
Guest Allergies
Guests will inform you if they need special meals on the day e.g. Coeliacs or vegetarians. Confirm with your venue how many people will be getting special meals, give the staff their names and table numbers so that there is no mix up that could be fatal!
Itineraries sound very army regimented but your Brides will run better if you have one. Make a list of things that need to be checked the day before and the day of the Brides and hand this list to one of your maids. Brides planners always have itineraries for the day of the Brides to make sure that everything runs smoothly and efficiently. This way people will know where they need to be when rather than running around asking the bride when she is meant to be relaxing and enjoying the day.
Bits and pieces for the venue
There are certain things that will need to be delivered to the venue the night before the Brides (favours, menu cards, escort cards, seating plans). It is imperative to organise who is going to do this and you need to know who you are handing the goods over to with a list of instructions at the venue. If their is a specific way that things need to be laid out this needs to be clearly explained. Place everything in a box and have one of the bridal party take it to the venue for you and brief them on what needs to be advised. Your guestbook should be with all of this and don't forget pens!!!!
Prepare a speech
You never know when the moment might come that someone might spring it on you to make a speech. As the bride you will be obliged to give one if someone asks. Write down a few people you would like to thank or mention and just read over it before the Brides so that you know what you might say if you are put on the spot!
Photographic Opportunities
Have a think beforehand what kind of shots you would like to capture and discuss this with your photographer beforehand to ensure that everything is smooth running.
Also, remember to hold onto a few important bits for your photographs such as the box your shoes came in, a full set of your Brides stationary and engagement cards. They all make a great backdrop or focal point for some nice pictures.
Emergency Kit
All bride's need an emergency kit just in case something bad happens! Typical things to include Hand Sanitizer, razors, mouthwash, floss, tic tacs, tampons, lip balm, deodorant, plasters, tissues, face wipes, hairbrush, bobbi pins, safety pins, spare tights, chalk, fashion tape, sewing kit, paracetamol, party feet. You can add anything that you feel relevant. You may forget whilst organise the bathroom baskets to make your own kit so remember to do so and pack it with your overnight bag.
The Overnight Bag
If you are staying overnight at your venue you will need an overnight bag with all the essentials and a nice outfit (include shoes!) for the following day as most of your guests will be staying there also. Don't forget a suit bag to place your dress into when you take it off as it will be much easier for you or a nominated person to take home.
Travel documents
With all the hype of the Brides it is easy to forget you are going on a big holiday afterwards. Make sure all  your passports are within 6 months in date as some countries require this. Check that you have carried out all VISA applications for travel and have any currencies that you may need beforehand.
There are probably lots of other things that brides forget to sort out before the Brides but these are some top ones that need to be sorted out to avoid any unnecessary tragedies! It is always best to nominate a member of your bridal party to take care of the nitty gritty as you will need to rely on them for plenty of organisation when it comes to the day itself.
Photo Credits: Brides couple via DiamondsbyEyal, Table Décor via Madmoosemama, Shoes via Dreamstime, Survival Kit via Etsy.


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Write by: Unknown - Monday, February 17, 2014

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